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Minero Inc. is an innovative software program adapted to fit every activity of the mineral extraction business.



Minero provides innovative software technologies developed by world-class professionals to maximize the ore control and mine planning functions of the mining industry.



​​Minero Inc. will continuously review and modify software to meet the changing needs of the mining industry based on dynamic customer feedback.

Minero Inc., founded in 2015, is a globally mining software company based in Aurora, Colorado, USA. Minero Inc. has created the mine planning Integrated Minero Suite® software, designed to manage, to audit and to plan the mine. The Integrated Minero Suite® software is well known as a scientific, innovative, and logical mining software. The Integrated Minero Suite® software can accomplish the following functions: the optimal pit, the pit phases, the pit designs, the mine plans, the equipment evaluation – haulage, the topographic survey, and the ore control. Minero Inc. believes in sustainable mining. The Integrated Minero Suite® Software increases mining company profit margins by consistently creating applications to audit environment variables and parameters, to reduce costs, to increase productivity, to optimize performance, and to improve speed of delivery of the optimal pit evaluation, pit design generation, life of mine plans, ore control, and mineral classification. The software uses cloud computing to manage large data in real time. Cloud computing gives you remote access to computing, storage, and networking resources. Sharing data accelerates mining business, innovation and integration. Besides, speed and accuracy are core of our customer support; they are the perfect complement of the innovative Integrated Minero Suite® software. To overcome the challenges of technical communication, our customer support team uses all types of charts, reports, creates comprehensive videos, and the most convenient communication technologies in addition to face-to-face communication. In conclusion, Minero Inc. key purpose is to understand the mining company's challenges to offer the most optimal solution, focusing on environmentally friendly mining and caring for the future of our society, especially our employees and clients.

Minero, Inc. implements, configures, trains, support, develops, maintains, and sells the integrated Minero Suite® software created for mine planning and ore control. Integrated Minero Suite® software is constantly being improved by challenging the status quo of the reserves, optimization, pit design, mine plans, equipment evaluation, and ore control applications.​​


24/7 Customer Support
Client wins / Minero wins

Minero Inc. improves the efficiency of the mining business by integrating key mining activities from geology, mine planning, and production cycles.


Minero creates a high-quality mining system that constantly looks for opportunities to improve the efficiency of mining operations while reducing costs.

Minero Inc. looks for opportunities to make each mining activity more efficient; it is compatible with new and long-lasting third-party software. 

Contact us now!

​Subscribe today and get the Minero Suite® software for $ 1,000 per month. Email minero@mineromining.com for more information.